Adjustable Smart Beds iOT App


  • Android
  • Kotlin
  • EasyBLE


  • Mobile


The client is a manufacturer of hospital beds and homecare beds. They wanted to incorporate a Bluetooth-controlled motor system to adjust the angle of the bed. The client wanted to create a mobile app that would allow the user to operate the motor system to adjust the angle of the bed with ease.  


Project Highlights

  • Successful implementation of Bluetooth motor system.
  • Seamless mobile app functionality.
  • Real-time feedback.


  • Implement the BLE connection library.
  • Enable bed angle adjustments.
  • Optimize user experience.


  • Define the objectives of the plan and gather data and insights.
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy that outlines initiatives to achieve the objectives.
  • Set priorities for ensuring that the resources are allocated effectively.
  • Create an implementation plan to execute the strategy.


  • Optimized user experience
  • Great convenience to the users
  • Easy to use application improved accessibility

Our Client

The client is a manufacturer of hospital beds and homecare beds, who wanted to enhance the functionality of their beds by incorporating a Bluetooth-controlled motor system. They wanted to provide their customers with a more convenient and efficient way to adjust the angle of the bed. To achieve this, the client approached a development team to create a mobile app that would allow the user to operate the motor system through their smartphone.

Client Requirement

  • Client’s main objective was to create a user-friendly app that allow user to control the bed with a mobile app.
  • The app needed to be easy to navigate and understand, with simple controls to adjust the bed angle.
  • They also needed the app in both iOS and Android devices to ensure that it would reach the widest possible audience.
  • Client wanted the app to provide real-time feedback to the user, allowing them to monitor and adjust the bed angle as needed.

Proposed Solution to fix operational process

We utilize BLE connection library for scanning and connecting with nearby devices, including Bluetooth-controlled motor system. We developed iOS/Android app for easy motor system operation with intuitive controls and real-time feedback. We proposed designing the app with a focus on providing a seamless and user-friendly experience. Our team Implemented rigorous testing protocol for reliability. The app is designed for scalability, adaptability, and minimal disruption to user experience.

Why We Chose This Solution?

Our team chose this solution for the client’s Bluetooth-controlled motor system and mobile app because it provided a comprehensive and user-friendly solution to meet the client’s objectives.

  • Using a BLE connection library ensured reliable and efficient communication with the motor system.
  • The development of a user-friendly mobile app provided a seamless experience for users.
  • The simple and modern user interface design and thorough testing process further ensured a high-quality experience.
  • The solution’s scalability and adaptability allowed for future updates or modifications, providing the client with a long-term solution that would meet their evolving needs.

Benefits of Hospitality Website

The Bluetooth-controlled motor system improved bed functionality, while the mobile app increased customer satisfaction and provided a competitive edge. The solution’s scalability and adaptability allowed for easy updates, and data collection enabled valuable analysis for product and service enhancements.

Key Features

Bluetooth Integration

Bluetooth integration allows users to connect nearby devices and perform all necessary operations ensuring reliable communication with the bed.

User Friendly Interface

The application has user-friendly navigation and features allowing users to adjust the bed angle in real-time.

Modes and Functions

Users can choose various predefined modes and functions or choose to create their own bed settings according to their comfort.

Body Type and Side Setting

We can select different body types to adjust the bed firmness and choose the side, back, or stomach for better sleep.

Adjust Firmness

The app allows users to change and adjust firmness based on anatomy.

Easy and Quick Solution

Once users connect the app with the smart bed, they can change the settings easily and quickly.

The Result

Improved functionality of the client's hospital and homecare beds with the addition of the Bluetooth-controlled motor system. Increased customer satisfaction due to the ease of use and convenience provided by the mobile app. A competitive advantage for the client in the market due to the unique features of the Bluetooth-controlled motor system and mobile app.


You Have A Vision. We Have A Way!

Please send us information about your project. One of our project managers shall evaluate your project requirements and give you a formal proposal. Detailed information will help us evaluate your project accurately.



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